Alrashid Cyber Mall, is Designed and hosted by Nova Stars Informations Services, Memeber of The Saudi Network, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi Arabia, Arabian gulf and middle east area.

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Saudi Arabia, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi Arabia, Arabian gulf and middle east area.
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The Saudi Network, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi Arabia, Arabian gulf and middle east area.
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Nova Stars Information Services, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi arabia, arabian gulf and middle east area.
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Reserching the Company

Record information about each company or business you are interested in. This information will be helpful in your job interviews. It will also help you to match your skills and interests with specific jobs or tasks within the company.

It may also be possible to talk to someone who works for the company in order to find out more about a specific occupation. This is called an "Information Interview". Generally, people like to talk about themselves, so it shouldn't be too hard to find professional people willing to talk about their jobs. Guidance counselors, local civic organizations, and professional organizations can probably suggest people in the business community who might allow an interview.

Here are some questions you may want to ask.

  • What type of training and education did you need to get your job?
  • What do you like and dislike about your job?
  • What is your job routine?
  • What opportunities are there in your job to meet other people?
  • What is the typical salary range for your job, and what benefits do you receive?
  • What advice would you give to others wanting to go into your career field?


If you have friends or relatives who own a business, you might ask them if you could spend some time helping out. In this way, you could learn more about that particular business.



  • What is the company's name?
  • What does the company do?
  • How did is the company, or how long has it been in business?
  • Where are the company's plants, stores and/or offices?




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Saudi Arabia
 Alrashid Cyber Mall, member of The Saudi Network, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi arabia, arabian gulf and middle east area.
Shopping in Saudi Arabia

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1001 Arabian Network, Alrashid Cyber Mall and The Saudi Network are members of Nova* Stars* Information Services
The Saudi Network, Trade and business information and links to
Saudi Arabia, Arabian Gulf and Middle East Area.

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